Tuesday, May 1, 2007
367 şartının gelmesiyle 1. tur oylama iptal oldu, normal süreçte yarın yapılması gereken oylamaya devam edilmeyecek, erken seçime gidiyoruz.
Artık sıra muhalefet partilerinde ve bizlerde..
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
29 Nisan'da, Bu Kez Çağlayan'da!
14 Nisan'da Ankara'da milyonlar Cumhuriyet için yürüdü.. Bu kez AKP'nin adayının milletin temsilcisi olamayacağını, cumhuriyetin sahipsiz olmadığını İstanbul'dan haykırlaım hep bir ağızdan..
Cumhuriyetinize sahip çıkın
29 Nisan Pazar Çağlayanda'yız!
"Arkadaşlar, efendiler ve ey millet, iyi biliniz ki, Türkiye Cumhuriyeti şeyhler, dervişler, müritler, meczuplar memleketi olamaz. En doğru, en hakiki tarikat, medeniyet tarikatıdır." M.Kemal ATATÜRK
Cumhurbaşkanı adayı Abdullah Gül?!
Herkes haddini,yerini bilmeli!
3-5 şakşakçı Türkiye'nin sesi olamaz
Cumhuriyetimizi sizin gibilerin eline bırakmayız!
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Thursday, February 15, 2007
How To Handle Him/Her
Are you in love with an Aries man? You've got quite a macho man on your hands! Ruled by Mars, the hot, red, active planet, the Aries man is known as the "warrior." Fearless and brave, active and entrepreneurial, he is eager for new experiences. Your man is never ever boring!
Your Challenge
To get his attention away from his constant business wheelings and dealings, and to cater to his substantial physical needs.
How To Handle Him
If this is your first date with an Aries, choose something daring to do. Aries, the lover of risk and adventure, is apt to enjoy activities with you that could include hang gliding, bungee jumping or car racing. The Aries man's credo is he'll try anything once. Use this to turn his mind away from everyday business matters and focus on you.
Being such a testosterone-charged and masculine sign, Aries needs a regular, highly active sex life. He is apt to be aggressive and spontaneous, and this is one man who likes to take the lead. At the same time, the Aries man is highly protective of his lover, being quite willing to fight (literally or figuratively) for her, and this is a big part of his appeal. Be gentle with this ego, though. If you're not "in the mood" he might take the slightest rejection quite hard.
Aries likes a challenge, so you could tease him a bit when he starts getting bossy, keeping what he wants out of reach until the end of the pursuit. If trying to win an argument, the smart partner of an Aries man will subtly convince him that her ideas are really his ideas. Some Aries men have a roving eye, which is not an attractive quality, so to keep him playing in his own back yard, keep your body sleek, your lingerie sexy (a few skimpy pieces in his favorite color, red, would be a good idea) and the lights low (candlelight is perfect--Aries rules fire). Most of all, keep him guessing because he loves the thrill of the chase.
The Taurus Man: April 20 - May 20
The Taurus man loves creature comforts. He is sensuous, tactile, giving, practical and stable. When a Taurus man falls in love it is forever, because Taurus guys aren't wanderers. One of the sexiest characteristics of a Taurus man is his wonderfully sexy, deep voice. Taurus rules the throat, and many Taurus are well known singers.
Your Challenge
Taurus men often settle into ruts and aren't known to be too flexible. You'll want to coax him into trying sharing new experiences and considering your point of view at decision-making time. Some Tauruses can be very jealous of anyone else you may be dating, so you'll have to keep an eye out for that too.
How To Handle Him
When this man says, "Be mine!" he means it quite literally, for this is a possessive sign. While this may seem charming on the outset, it can get a bit annoying. Deal with this by being a little flirtatious around other guys, but not to the extent that he thinks you would really dump him for someone else. Just tease him a little and reassure him that he is your number one man, and his passion will burn even brighter for you. Feeling secure is important to Taurus, and most of their decisions are based upon how he can increase this feeling. Taurus likes routine (hard to believe anyone does, but it is true.) While he is not a sign known for flexibility, his steadfastness and reliability will more than compensate, and you will find it comforting. So, don't expect your Taurus lover to understand when plans change at the last minute. He has difficulty turning on a dime and this is something you will simply have to accept. And if you want to have any influence his thinking, be sure to get your ideas across in early during his long decision-making process, before he becomes "set." Taurus can be quite stubborn!
The Gemini Man: May 21 - June 20
Your Gemini man is full of wit and charm, and often the center of attention, as he delights everyone with a new joke he just heard or a story about what happened to him at work. Since Gemini rules Hermes, the messenger of the Gods, Gemini men are often writers or reporters. They are brilliant communicators, and can talk their way into any opportunity or out of any tight spot.
Your Challenge
This guy likes to keep up-to-date on things, so you'll have to get his head out of The New York Times and all his other daily doses of news. Nobody reads as many current periodicals as a Gemini! His coffee table probably looks like a newsstand. When he gets done reading, he is likely to be switching on the TV news. You will have to do something with this news junkie or he'll stay wrapped up in current events. The key is to convince him that you are the most interesting event in his life!
How To Handle
HimFirst of all, be one of his best news sources. Before you meet up with him, call him with something you just heard on Reuters. Leave a voice mail on his office phone with a late-breaking story, or fax over clippings from a newspaper on a topic that interests him greatly. That will get his initial attention and you'll be able to move on to more intimate matters.
Keep in mind that Gemini needs constant variety and change; the more surprising and spontaneous you are, the more he will love you. Never reveal everything about yourself to a Gemini, for once they get the idea there is nothing new to discover, they will be tempted to look elsewhere. Gemini men have a deep need to try and figure you out, so keep him guessing!
Be verbal in bed during lovemaking. This will really turn him on. Don't be shy! Gemini is a highly-intelligent sign, stimulated by both exciting talk and the written word, and appealing to his mind and imagination will keep your sex life lively. Try reading passages from a sexy novel. (Make sure the novel has some literary value--if it is too trashy, he will wonder about your educational level, another important aspect to smart Gemini). Also, try leaving love notes in his suit pockets, his briefcase or anywhere he might casually come across them. Few signs appreciate the now-dead art of writing love letters more than a Gemini.
The Cancer Man: June 21 - July 22
A family man at heart, your Cancer loves children, roots, and sees home as a haven. When traveling he is prone to get homesick, even in this day and age. A water sign, Cancer is highly emotional and sympathetic. He can be moody. The changing moods of Cancers are one of their greatest charms, and as mutable as the natural landscape. If is raining, you still know the sun will be out soon. Although they are worriers, they have kind and giving temperaments. Cancers also have excellent memories, so anything special that you do for him won't be forgotten.
Your Challenge
If he is divorced with children, you may have to work hard to be as important to him as his kids. To Cancer, blood is thicker than water, and you may not have first place in the pecking order. If you are married to a Cancer, he can easily get caught up with family and chores and forget that he is a red-blooded male with sexual needs. It is hard for him to remember romance when he is up on the roof, hammering shingles, so it's up to you to proposition your handyman with an alternative, naughty use for his duct tape.
How To Handle Him
If he is a single dad, see the sexy side of his role as father. Knowing what he's like when he interacts with his kids heightens, by contrast, the intimacy he shares with you.
The Leo Man: July 23 - August 22
Ruled by the Sun, giver of life and strength, the Leo man is gregarious and warm-hearted. He is impossible not to notice. His powerful masculinity and commanding presence will be felt immediately, and his sense of showmanship and drama make him sexy and charismatic. He may work in the arts (especially the theater), or do some sort of creative work. He will probably head up a division of a company, if not the entire corporation. Leo men are leaders, not followers.
Your Challenge
Leos are a bit self-absorbed and their egos are huge. Yet they are so warmhearted and loving that these faults will look trivial in the grand overview. He is jealous and possessive, especially in the courting stage, so you will need to find ways to derail his wrath if you plan to date others simultaneously. One thing that Leo doesn't entertain, is the possibility of being Number Two. He'd rather walk.
How To Handle Him
Gaining the admiration and respect of others is the single most important aspect of the Leo personality for you to keep in mind. This is their driving force, winning out over money, fame and just about anything else. Another aspect of their nature is their love of children and their intolerance of criticism about them from others. Say something detracting about a Leo's child and you will get a glimpse of the mighty lion's temper. If he runs low on cash, he won't accept a loan from you, so don't be bewildered or get hurt feelings, if this happens. Leo prides himself in being self-sufficient.
The Virgo Man: August 23 - September 22
Your Virgo man is modest, meticulous and discriminating. He is a joy to live with as long as you understand the Virgo man's obsessive need to be productive on a daily basis. He is practical, patient and is able to handle detail, and the amount of details he handles would drive others up the wall. The Virgo's talent is knowing how to make dreams (their own and those of others) a reality.
Your Challenge
Virgos are worriers, so your first step will be to calm him down when you have time alone together. Often workaholics, your Virgo will have a hard time detaching from his everyday schedule. But you must, for they are incredibly passionate lovers once his total attention has been turned to you.
How to Handle Him
He's productivity oriented, so "goofing off" might be a foreign idea and too scary for him at the onset. Since Virgo is wonderful at fixing things--his sharp mind hungers for things to take apart and figure out--so ask him to help you out. Tell him that you are hopeless with home repairs and he has got to come over and take a look at your air conditioner. His small motor skills are the finest in the zodiac, so many Virgos like to putter around the house, looking for little projects. Puttering takes their minds off more stressful issues.
Remind him how turned-on you were when you saw him wearing worn jeans and a plaid lumberjack shirt, jump-starting his car. Tell him you fantasize about him walking around your apartment measuring walls for shelving, just wearing his tool belt. (This kind of flattery will accomplish two things: you will have a hot, passionate lover ready to ravish you and no more leaky faucets.) Cruise around Home Depot, just to get him in the mood. Then, one afternoon when he is putting in a new set of florescent lights over your kitchen counter, pounce on him and tell him you are getting hot watching him screw those huge bulbs in. Make love to him right then and there.
To thank him for all his home improvement, you might want to take him to dinner. When choosing the restaurant, remember that a Virgo's digestive system is delicate. Most Virgos dislike overly rich food and try to eat balanced healthful meals. Many are vegetarians.
Another point to consider is that Virgo has a strong need to be highly organized. So when seducing the Virgo man, be sure you have a neat bedroom and put unnecessary clutter out of sight. (Seeing junk around will make him edgy.) In bed, the Virgo man is like the Gemini (both are ruled by Mercury) in that his need to communicate is strong. Talking during lovemaking will heighten his pleasure and add to his passion for you.
The Libra Man: September 23 - October 22
Libra is the natural sign of partnership, so it follows that the Libra man prefers being married (or at least living together) over flying solo. He will work toward making his union strong and happy. True justice is a very important issue with Libra, and sometimes you might find him moping around murmuring "It's not fair!" No one has yet succeeded to convince him that life in general isn't fair. Libras have a strong ideas about making life fair, and they make their decisions and arrange their actions around what they feel is the most just and equitable solution. When drawn into a dispute, your Libra lover will quickly state his position and he's done--there is no hanging on to old arguments, no poking into old wounds, and never any sarcasm. Libras are too refined and gentlemanly to fight dirty. He will expect the same from you.
Your Libra guy loves to socialize. This is one man you will not have to coax into going to or hosting a party, and, oh, the parties that they give! They are the best! Libras are the ones who know everyone, and there is sure to be a famous face or two at one of their bashes.
Your Challenge
Libra men have so many friends and are so charming themselves, that it is hard to know where you stand, at least at the beginning of a relationship. They are very loyal once they commit, but until then, this air sign tends to flit around like a butterfly and is rather hard to pin down. Initially, what you have to do is draw attention to yourself in a ladylike way and make him realize you are the companion he wants to spend his time with.
How To Handle Him
Lovemaking is something Libra will look forward to with relish--rarely will he want anything quick or rushed. He enjoys the process of seduction, something he has elevated to an art form, and he will take his time with his woman, careful to attend to her emotional needs as well as her physical ones. He is quite visual in orientation and likes his to see you dressed in elegant lingerie (Libra is a refined sign, so don't get too trashy or flashy). When you are getting ready to make love a Libra, wear your most elegant jewelry, like pretty earrings and a fine necklace, with little lacy underthings he can easily remove.
The Scorpio Man: October 23 - November 21
The Scorpion is determined, shrewd, protective, jealous, and powerful. It is a sign prone to obsession, and the Scorpio man is not nonchalant about anything, from his career to his love life. Symbolized by the phoenix rising from the ashes, this bird aptly suggests Scorpio's incredible ability to regenerate from seemingly disastrous situations. Much has been written about how sexy and mysterious Scorpio is. To him sex is very important, and it would be impossible for him to have a happy relationship without great sex. The Scorpio male is macho, a modern day 007: thrilling, strong, silent and handsome.
Your Challenge
One of the challenges of being in love with a Scorpio male is to get him to voice his innermost thoughts and feelings. Sometimes it is impossible know exactly what a Scorpio is thinking! He can be a temperamental, jealous lover, so watch your step. You will have to play by his rules or leave him. With this man, there are no shades of gray.
How To Handle Him
Still waters run deep, and you will find him fiercely loyal and deeply passionate. This Pluto ruled-lover would never dream of divulging details of your private life together to others, and expects the same from you. Woe to the woman who strays from his bed to another lover, for he will never forgive her. The Scorpion's sting is never used casually, only when he feels threatened to the core, for its sting kills not only the victim but the Scorpion itself. Scorpio will never suffer betrayal.
The Sagittarius Man: November 22 - December 21
Your Sagittarius guy has a strong intellect, penetrating thought process and continual curiosity about the world around him. Your man is ready for a deep discussion on ethics, morality, politics, philosophy, or religion, so go ahead one night and tackle The Meaning Of Life. Unlike Gemini, who focuses on details of the here and now, Sagittarius looks at the entire sweep of collected knowledge and tries to make sense out of the big picture. His most attractive qualities are his faith and optimism, and his customary cheer will endear him to you. This sign also has major wanderlust, so pack your glacier glasses and bug spray if you want to travel with him on his jaunts to the most exotic locales. Finally, this is the sign of the ultimate jock. Many of our most gifted Olympians are born under this sign and he will require lots of physical activity. If he sounds like a handful, it's because he is, but such an interesting handful!
Your Challenge
Your Sagittarius man likes the bachelor life more than most signs, so getting him to commit may take some doing. Freedom is something he values enormously and it's crucial for him to be able to do what he wants to do.
How To Handle Him
"Mens sanis in corpore Sagittarius" Sag has so much energy he will need some sort of regular exercise to keep him from going completely mental. If he needs to spend what you believe to be inordinate amounts of time at the gym, don't hassle him-- humor him instead. (You won't be able to win this one anyway). Enjoy his beautiful shoulders and abs and glutes and tell him he looks just like the Diet Coke man.
Sag is great because they always tell the truth, but sometimes hearing unvarnished truth can be rough on the rest of us. They have no sense of diplomacy, so if you ask their opinion, be ready to hear it! In love, Sag needs lots of sex and sports but he has an equal need for an intellectual partner. He will want his woman to stay up to date on political issues and trends and he will enjoy lively and even heated debates. If he needs regular nights out with the boys, say "fine." Nothing spoils a relationship faster for a Sag than a sense of claustrophobia.
The Capricorn Man: December 22 - January 19
When Henry Kissinger said "Power is the greatest aphrodisiac" he sounded like a Capricorn, even though he isn't (he's Gemini). Your Capricorn lover is highly ambitious and very hardworking, so be prepared to endure some nights alone while he stays late at the office. All those long hours, however, will pay off, and your future lifestyle together is likely to be mighty interesting. Capricorns tend to achieve positions of power and surround themselves with highly successful friends and associates. Unlike Aries who needs to own his own business, Capricorn likes working as part of the team in large corporations and usually climbs up through the ranks there. The Capricorn man is excellent with finances so chances are money will never be a problem with him.
Your challenge
Your man likes successful women, and will say to himself, "Can I introduce her to my boss?" You will have to reassure him he can, and further, that you'll actually improve his career prospects. (The higher he goes, the more his significant other will count.)
How To Handle Him
In love, your Capricorn man's most enduring quality is his unexpected, silly sense of humor. This is such a different side of his ambitious and driven personality that it will catch you off guard. Don't ever be afraid to laugh in bed, for you will endear yourself to Mr. Capricorn forever. Lovemaking does not have to be serious all the time.
The Aquarius Man: January 20 - February 18
The most striking quality in the Aquarius man is fierce independence and creativity. He may also have a scientific bent. Aquarians never care about what has been done in the past because they are totally focused on the future. Your Aquarius lover may also be concerned with humanitarian issues and feel moved to do something about a environmental imbalance or social injustice. Natural and charismatic leaders, most of our presidents have been Aquarians (President Ronald Reagan is one). They usually have many friends, although only few can get into their inner circle.
Your Challenge
Friendship is so important to him that you may feel his pals are more important to him than you are. This isn't the case, but can be hard to cope with at times. Loving an Aquarius is often frustrating because they often act aloof and hard to catch. But as the French say, the one who suffers greatest loves the most. You'll need to position yourself inside his circle, and not be on the outside looking in.
How To Handle Him
In love and marriage, the Aquarius male will need to retain his sense of individuality and freedom. The wise woman in love with an Aquarius will not hem him in. Inside the Aquarius there is often a struggle between wanting to live alone but still craving love and nurturing (a side kept well hidden). This duality could drive you crazy at times, but it is best to ignore it. When they become angry, they will act distant rather than rant and rave, so try to draw him out, and get him used to sharing his innermost thoughts. When there's a disagreement, reason with him intellectually rather than emotionally; this guy is analytical.
The Pisces Man: February 19 - March 20
This man's vivid imagination and sensitivity (matched in intensity only by fellow water sign Cancer) will endear him to you quickly. Pisces' greatest strength is their creativity. Neptune makes them brilliant at expressing themselves in symbols and gestures. They therefore they make outstanding film makers, photographers, and dancers. Their empathetic nature will make you fall in love with him quickly, for it is possible you've never met a man who knows the inner you so well.
Your Challenge
Pisces sometimes loses himself in his work, especially if he's in a creative field. He needs a regular outlet to express his powerful emotions and insights on the world, so you will have to learn to be supportive of his efforts. At times he can be hard to pin down, but this is usually due to his not yet having made up his mind about an issue. Being a dual sign like Gemini, he likes to look at both sides of every situation before taking a stand.
How To Handle Him
When trying to persuade a Pisces man of anything, do not use facts or logic; appeal to his emotions and intuition. If you press any point too hard or become demanding, he will swim in the other direction. He is gentle to others and expects to be treated in kind. He hates ruts and constricting routines, so a free-form schedule in life is more to his liking.
Another important fact to remember is that Pisces will give freely of himself whenever he can, but if he feels he has been taken advantage of, he will retreat without warning. At that point, it is hard to win back his trust. The Pisces man needs to be appreciated.
This man is not materialistic or money-oriented--don't bug him to ask for a raise or question why he doesn't make more money. He realizes that possessions and money are only earth-bound, temporal things that don't matter much in the grand scheme. He is too spiritual to be concerned with such mundane matters. A deeply philosophical sign, money does not motivate him as much as self-expression and creativity do. (Money does have a way of finding a way to Pisces, nevertheless, so don't think this is a sign doomed to poverty!)
Since Pisces reads body language better than any other sign, don't be surprised if he just seems to know much more about you than you've ever told him. Of course, verbal communication is important too, but keep it delicate and poetic. When delivering criticism to him be diplomatic rather than direct. Pisces men never like anything too gritty and hard-hitting.
The Aries Woman: March 21 - April 19
Love an Aries woman? She's modern all the way, full of spunk and drive. You will likely find her running her own business, or heading up a division in her company, for Aries is the sign that rules entrepreneurial ventures. She is a woman of strength, has well-formed and intelligent opinions, and part of her charm is that she is so thoroughly independent and self-reliant. Aries is a fire sign and therefore quite imaginative, born to lead rather than to follow.
Your Challenge
To keep up with her, you've got to think of some original things to do together--the "same old, same old" will never rate with her.
How To Handle Her
In bed, the Aries woman will often enjoy initiating the lovemaking, much to your delight. Allow her that pleasure and enjoy the fireworks. Sexually, she will be creative and even humorous, and her sense of adventure will lead her to try many things.
The Taurus Woman: April 20 - May 20
The Taurus woman is feminine, soft and highly diplomatic. She has a lyrical speaking voice that soothes and comforts you, and she could even have a talented singing voice (Barbara Streisand is a Taurus). Ruled by Venus, Taurus is a sign which adores the arts--from music to painting--and will enthusiastically go to any cultural event her lover suggests. In lovemaking, the Taurus woman is passionate and deeply tender. She may not be as sexually experimental as the other signs, but her fidelity and strong sense of ethics will impress you. Her bed will be the pinnacle of comfort, with piles of pillows and a fluffy comforter. There might be fresh flowers in her bedroom, or she might have a glass wall overlooking a lush garden. She will make her environment so inviting you won't want to leave, for Taurus adores comfort.
Your Challenge
Your Taurus woman will need to see tangible evidence of your love for her--and that means gifts. There is no getting around this and you may have to save up to afford her! She is one of the most loving and affectionate of all signs, certainly one of the most sensuous, and quite a catch. But first, this lady will want to know that you have a nest egg. Delay popping the question until you can show her your substantial stash of Treasury bills, a solid investment in mutual funds, an impressive stock portfolio and, of course, cash in the bank. Being a earth sign, having some real estate wouldn't hurt either--it is something which would impress her deeply. (I never said your courtship was going to be easy, did I?)
How To Handle Her
Assure her of your reliability and your stability--traits she values in a person. Being flaky is the surest way to turn her off. She is slow but sure in matters of the heart, so don't rush her. Treat her well and she'll be yours for a long, long time.
The Gemini Woman: May 21 - June 20
The Gemini woman is full of enthusiasm. A vivacious, shining beauty, she can talk about a wide variety of subjects, and she is curious about everything. Don't advise a Gemini woman that she would be better off doing one thing at a time, for she needs variety and pursues a multitude of interests. She is actually at her best when swamped with things to do! Gemini is an ace communicator too, particularly adept at sharing her emotions and thoughts. (Take away her dial tone and it is like taking away oxygen.) She doesn't go for a man who crowds her or who limits her space. Gemini is symbolized by the twins flying through the air, and to set limits on a Gemini is like trapping a lovely bird in a small cage.
Your Challenge
This is a busy woman with endless lists of things to accomplish. She does have a tendency to be a bit forgetful too. But who wouldn't, with her lifestyle? She does more in a week than most of us accomplish in a month! You will need to remain Priority One with her, a hard task, when you're competing with all her activities, friends and admirers.
How To Handle Her
Read up on current issues, whether it is art, technology, movies, or books--anything interesting you that is topical. Then suggest to her that you and she check out a show or meet in a late night coffee shop to discuss the issues. Gemini adores a lively debate (she was probably captain of her debating team in college). Browse with her in a good bookstore, one that plays music to encourage lingering. (Gemini rules the printed words, thus, she is happy in book shops.) Or, if she has a new laptop, offer to help her set up her system folder. (She has the brains to do it, but prefers to do things like that š deux for the company.) Suggest you go window shopping for a new fax machine one night after work, so that she can choose the best one when she's ready. Convince her to let you assess the various local cellular phone carriers to choose the best deal for her, then meet to discuss your findings. As you see all these things are communication-oriented, and believe it or not, as dorky as these things seem, they will really turn her on. She will love you for your thoughtfulness. Trust me on this.
The Cancer Woman: June 21 - July 22
With her soft translucent skin and lovely shoulders, your Cancer lover makes a knockout entrance to any club wearing her sleek, dþcolletage slip dress, as only a Cancer lady could carry off. But in case you think you can easily date this beauty, be forewarned that she is no pushover. The Cancer woman is careful about who she gives her heart to, because once she commits, she gives her all. Your lunar lady is truly feminine, and lucky for you, of all the signs, Cancer is the most nurturing and protective of those close to her.
Your Challenge
Her ruler, the moon, rules the changing emotions--so she can be a moody person. This may make it hard to figure out how she feels about you in the early days of your relationship, because at times your stock will appear to rise and fall. If you marry her, this will not be a problem for she will be very loyal to you, and often put your interests ahead of hers. Your lunar goddess takes responsibility seriously. If she is a single mother, her children will come first, and you may have to wait in line. Yet it is this side of her--her mothering instincts--that you probably find so appealing in her.
How To Handle Her
Nothing comes before her spouse and her children in a Cancer woman's life and thus, she often she forgets her own needs. Here is where you can lavish attention on her. She is a bit of a worrier, and will often second-guess herself about decisions she has made. Reassure her that her judgment is sound, and help her focus more on the future, less on the past. (Cancer rules tradition, and this why she is so marvelous about creating a warm and loving family life--she knows she is building memories!) Holidays and birthdays are important to her, so don't put her down for wanting to make them special. Instead, support her.
If she seems down and suddenly you find yourself on the outs with her, talk gently with her to get back into her good graces. Harsh tactics would be the wrong approach to take with her. Keep your temper under control and don't be demanding. Her gentle feelings over-respond to criticism and in the heat of argument you could say something which could crush her irreparably. Cancers have excellent memories and she will remember everything you said, unfortunately whether you meant it or not.
The Leo Woman: July 23 - August 22
A Leo woman is easy to spot. She's the one lighting up the room in her spectacular designer outfit--Leo women love to make an entrance. Her taste is superb and unfailing. Like chic French women (France is ruled by Leo), a lioness would rather have one dazzling outfit than 20 cheap ones. She has a deep and abiding need for respect from others and will work hard to being noticed and remembered. She is naturally extravagant--don't even try to tell her she spends too much on clothes (or on her kids either, who she loves to pamper). Yet she is warm, spontaneous and creative too, and you are sure to have fun with this vivacious lioness.
Your Challenge
In a nutshell, your challenge will be to afford this jewel of a woman. Her taste is superb and she won't settle for second best (which she translates as second rate). She will be demanding, so be prepared to lavish lots of attention on her instead of being preoccupied with your spreadsheets or waxing your car. If you are serious about her, bite the bullet and get some personal help. You will need to maximize your efficiency at home and the office to devote time to your lioness--at least until you win her heart.
How To Handle Her
In all probability she will be handling you, not the other way around! Leo women have a way of being in control, even if they let you think that is not the case. She's subtle, but strong. She resists any kind of confinement, so don't try to box her in. Throughout courtship, the Leo woman loves to tease her man, often playing cat-and-mouse games until you "catch" her. When wed, she will do anything in her power to keep things lively and fun, and will build up an entire wardrobe of imported lingerie to keep her man interested. The Leo woman loves to have her lover run his fingers through her mane. She will rarely go to bed without a touch of makeup, even if it's just a hint of blush or scented body creme. To increase her passion, whisper to her, "You are the most beautiful woman in the world!" . . . and mean it.
The Virgo Woman: August 23 - September 22
The quality people notice first about your Virgo beloved is her alertness and unmistakable intelligence. It has been said that Virgo's gift is making order out of chaos. Send a Virgo into a hurricane-ravaged town, and in no time they've pitched the tents, organized the shipments of food and water, and started clearing the roadways. If it is one thing Virgo does well, it's organize people and things. If your life is a bit of a hurricane, you're in luck, for she will provide a willing ear and heaps of amazing practical advice-- ideas you will wish you had thought of long ago.
Your Challenge
Virgo women have lists of things to do, and sometimes you could wind up being one more item on her list. Becoming "Priority #10-D" is something to avoid at all costs! Once she writes you into her Filofax as "Sex with James, Thursday @ 9:00 PM" you know you've hit bottom, and it is time to do something drastic--and delightful!.
How To Handle
HerYour goal is to allow her to take time to relax and gently pull her away from her everyday cares. She hates being lazy, so accomplishing this isn't going to be as easy. Like the male Virgo, the female Virgo loathes making love in a hovel, so if this describes your place, you'd better spiff it up. Nothing turns off a Virgo faster than dirt or mess. She isn't impressed with luxury, so don't worry about having things "good enough" for her--crisp, just laundered cotton sheets and some soft pillows are fine. But if you don't get organized, before you know it, she'll be out of bed and cleaning up the place--the last thing you want her to be doing in her Victoria's Secret teddy! As good as it sounds, to have some lovely geisha cleaning up your pigsty, think about it. If she's stacking dishes in the dishwasher, she isn't making love to you, so get your priorities straight, buddy. Besides, god knows where she'll "neaten up" your collection of half-dirty basketball shorts TO. So take away the clamor of disorder that distracts her and when she's with you, you will be all that exists in her world.
The Libra Woman: September 23 - October 22
Libra women have busy social calendars and keep happy by surrounding themselves with adoring friends. Still, this lady wants to be married, so don't be fooled by her gadding about. Once wed, she will attend to her marriage as fiercely as her career.
Always fashionably-dressed, she favors an eclectic look, mixing designer things with antique pieces. The final effect is smart and sexy, never dowdy. This Venus-ruled beauty is beautifully groomed, and smells as good as she looks, for she never leaves the house without a light spray of something intoxicating. Her figure is usually curvy, svelte and feminine, so you don't even stand a chance of resisting her. The most memorable quality about your Libra lover is her quintessential grace; in every movement she makes, every word she utters, she is poetry in motion.
Your Challenge
Your mission 007, is to capture her heart. Not an easy task, considering the line of men waiting in line. She has no shortage of opportunities, so competition will be stiff.
How To Handle Her
She has powerful talents of persuasion and her lover may not know exactly how she gets her way, but she does every time--in the most charming fashion. Be wary of getting wrapped around her little finger, for although she may protest, she secretly likes a man who stands up to her now and then. If you are only semi-conscious most of the time, you don't stand a chance of winning her heart.
The Scorpio Woman: October 23 - November 21
The Scorpio woman has great charm, allure, and inner strength, and is able to overcome most any obstacle in life. She comes across as self-confident and self-possessed and men are drawn to her for that reason. There is a mysterious quality about the Scorpio woman, because she is intensely private, discrete and secretive. Soon she will learn everything about you, but later you will realize that she hasn't given you many details about herself--that's Scorpio's natural reticence.
Finally, the operative word to best understand your Scorpio lover is "passion." One Scorpio once said to me that passion was the single most important ingredient in life, that is, to be passionate about one's loved ones, one's career, one's lifestyle, for without passion, what kind of life would we have in the end? Well said!
Your Challenge
Your Scorpio beauty is attracted to power, so if you have it, you are ahead of the game. Your other challenge will be that this lady has a mind of her own, so if you think you can tame her, forget it.
How To Handle Her
Her highly intuitive nature makes her a mind reader extraordinaire, so don't try to hide anything from her. If you are trying to impress her with power you don't have, her Pluto-ruled nature will sense it like a homing device. (Certainly you don't want to activate her seek and destroy mechanism.) In love and friendship, she is true-blue loyal and will expect the same from you. If you show her the slightest reason to distrust you, however, she will never forgive you. On the other hand, treat her well and she will reward you for the rest of your life. Home and family are regarded as sacred, and Scorpio will defend and support her man to the ends of the earth. Like Leo women, Scorpio women are into control, and with her magnetic, femme fatale powers, she will soon have the upper hand. After all, who could resist her famous Scorpion gaze, those memorable bedroom eyes?
The Sagittarius Woman: November 22- December 21
The Sagittarius woman is vivacious, funny, self assured, and sophisticated. She probably had an opportunity to travel as a child, and will need to continue to do so throughout her life. She's a woman who needs challenge and intellectual stimulation in all parts of her life.
Sag women are often highly successful at what they set out to do simply because they are so positive they will succeed. Since the sign also rules international communication, they are either known worldwide or deal with matters of global importance. This is not an overly-sensitive sign, and when criticized, they listen carefully to the feedback. She should be careful not to hurt her mate's feelings by being too direct in her comments; Sag often has no idea of how her words effect others. Her man should also be sure to allow her a sense of freedom which is highly important to the Sag woman.
Your Challenge
To keep her intellectually stimulated will be a lifelong struggle. This is no dumb bunny, and you may have to struggle to keep up with her. (Her idea of fun is listening to National Public Radio.) She gets bored easily, so be forewarned!
How To Handle Her
Her sign rules the centaur, half man, half horse, pointing high, toward the sky, which symbolizes her quest to reach the lofty goals she's set. She could be "high maintenance" in that you will have to endure all the highs and lows of her existence, for her motto is nothing ventured, nothing gained. Alas, some things just aren't going too work out, but unlike Cancer, who will try to second-guess themselves, Sag's optimism will buoy her up. She will be on to Plan B in no time. Sometimes this could be exhausting for you, so keep the vitamins handy.
The Capricorn Man: December 22 - January 19
The Capricorn woman is the one with the good gold jewelry, neutral tweed or classic Brooks Brothers suits and silk shirts. She always looks highly successful, or like she comes from old money (even if she doesn't.)
Your Capricorn woman realizes the value of a solid social network and will join organizations which will help her up the career ladder. Her lover will soon realize that he will need to share her with the world, and will be proud of her long list of accomplishments. She will come across as serious, conservative, shy, detailed, organized and self-disciplined. She delivers on her promises. She keeps her word and everything that bears her name is the best she can muster.
Your Challenge
Your Capricorn lover is practical--coming from a good background and having success potential is important to her. Some Capricorn women marry for social position, others are just concerned that their husband to be will be able to support her in the manner to which she is accustomed. You'll need to convince her of your earnest ambition and your solid future. If you're socially connected, by all means, don't hide it.
How To Handle Her
In love she is slow and careful. Never one to wander from one flirtation to another, the Capricorn woman has her feet well planted on the ground. If her man suggests something new to her and she isn't sure, he should give her time. Capricorn generally likes to mull things over and get used to ideas. She must never be forced or she will resist for sure.
The Aquarius Woman: January 20 - February 18
The Aquarius woman is smart, independent, somewhat rebellious and a true original. Part of the reason her man has fallen in love with her is the fact that she's not a clinging vine. Quite the contrary, she matches wits with her man, has a wide circle of her own friends, and prefers to stand on her own two feet. Many Aquarius women are leaders in their field. She's analytical and her ability to communicate is highly developed. If you want to get on her good side, use reason and logic rather than emotion.
Your Challenge
Your challenge will be to keep things from becoming boring or routine, which would spell disaster for your relationship. She is not an easy little bird to catch, for once you feel you've got her in your hands (or arms) she's flitted away again. She will need her space, and with so many other guys buzzing around her (she tells you they're just friends) you will need to steady your nerves.
The Pisces Woman: February 19 - March 20
The Pisces temperament is gentle, romantic, caring, compassionate, and spiritual. Pisces rules the subconscious mind, and so it follows that her dreams are vivid and meaningful, even prophetic. You've got quite a glamorous sparkler on your hands--Elizabeth Taylor, Sharon Stone and Cindy Crawford are all dazzling Pisces, and each in their own way reflects the reserved and unpretentious Pisces nature. Your Pisces enchantress almost always has large and beautiful eyes which mirror her feelings openly and she could be prone to cry easily. Soft and ultra-feminine, she will put your needs ahead of hers.
Your Challenge
Her feelings are very sensitive and easily hurt, so be careful how you address her. In any relationship, she likes to proceed gradually, perhaps at a slower pace than you would like. But rush her and your little fish will disappear into the depths of the sea.
How To Handle Her
She's mystical and poetic and she needs a regular outlet for her creative expressions. Her sign rules all non-verbal communication--symbols, gesture, dance, art, and poetry--and the Pisces woman is highly intuitive. She trusts her feelings and she reads body language perfectly, so don't try to say one thing and mean another--she will catch on quickly. Pisces will need to be alone occasionally to recharge and refresh herself, so allow her time for that.
She's caring and sensitive to her man, but can easily be so self-effacing that she forgets her own needs. Her urge to relieve suffering in others is as strong as the life force and it is the single most important element of her nature to understand. Some people will sometimes take advantage of her good nature. Her man should help her by reminding her that it's OK to say no to favors others ask of her. At times the world can have a wearing-down effect on her self-confidence, which sometimes needs rebuilding in even the strongest Pisces women. When Pisces is hurt, she will build her own version of the world to protect herself, preferring to live in a world of dreams until she feels she is ready for re-entry into reality. Realize this is not a weakness--she will always come back--and the worst thing you could say to this fragile beauty is "Get real!"
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Men Confess the 10 Annoying Things Women Do
10. Pretend to be virtuous
A recurring theme among many women is that they try to place themselves under a "holier than thou" light, never admitting that they fooled around or dividing their number of boyfriends by five. Now, we applaud those ladies who truly are innocent and pure, but the rest should stop trying to water down their past. Women are allowed to have just as much fun as guys, and they should find a man who can appreciate that.
9. Criticize other women
Why is it that many women can't make a simple compliment toward another woman? They love to nitpick about everything from weight to hairstyle and everything in between. Only a woman will notice if another woman's shoes don't match her purse and turn it into a calamity.Granted there are some women who are readily willing to admit when another woman is hot (and hopefully invite her over for a ménage à trois), but most don't want to distract their men with any competition. Nevertheless, we spot the hot ones anyway.
8. Act jealous
Oftentimes, just mentioning another woman's name can spell the end of your existence. Imagine, then, the warfare you'll have to endure if she finds out you were at a gentleman's club.Call it what you will, but a lot of women have this thing that causes them to second-guess everything, especially their man's loyalty. That's why when another female enters the equation in any way, shape or form, she tenses up. If you've given her reason to doubt you, then her paranoia is likely justified. Otherwise, you shouldn't have to pay the price because she's feeling insecure.
7. Become needy
Some women have some serious security issues. They need their men to hold them, rub them and tell them how special they are. They turn men into their emotional crutch and look to us for moral, mental and emotional support.There's a real irony here when you think of all the women who go out of their way to show us how independent they are. These are usually the same women who become extremely insecure once they finally fall in love. Of course, as tempting as it may be to use this to our advantage, I think most men would prefer the tougher version. This way, they'd at least retain some peace of mind.
6. Speak in code
The old "What are you thinking?" question is a timeless example of how women love to test their men and search for our true feelings about them. They hurtle obscure, theoretical questions at us that, according to them, we're supposed to know the answers to if we're really their soul mates.What a pitiful sight it is, seeing a guy tense up as his mind goes into overdrive, looking for the right answer, while his lady looks on from a distance with her arms folded and foot tapping. At this point, there's nothing left to do except throw an answer out there and hope we don't end up in the doghouse.
5. Invade our personal space
Women have this instinctive tic that makes them want to groom us anytime they want and make our personal belongings theirs.In other words, when they're not adjusting our tie for the umpteenth time, they're rummaging through our drawers, looking for a sweatshirt to change into. Am I the only one who sees a problem here? We all know that there would be hell to pay if we so much as thought about giving them a haircut or sorting through their stuff, so why is it that our turf is fair game?
4. Become too emotional
They cry over anything: a sad movie (or even a happy one), a broken nail or a haircut gone awry. What's worse, they expect us to clean up the emotional mess. And if there's one thing we suck at, it's dealing with a crying woman on our shoulder.It's not that we're insensitive, but aside from saying, "There there, sweetie," we don't know the first thing about comforting a woman. The fact that women are usually more delicate and vulnerable is great; we just don't want the steady stream of tears for every minor setback.
3. Shop till they drop
When it comes to shopping, there just aren't enough hours in the day for most women. Whether it's browsing, window-shopping or an all-out spending spree, they can spend hours on end in a shoe store, among others, without even thinking about food, water or any of their responsibilities.But what's worse is that they have to take us along for the ride. So there we go, from store to store, wandering aimlessly back and forth while they inspect every article of clothing by its respective price tag.
2. Talk incessantly
Chris Rock nailed it when he said that asking how her day went renders a 45-minute conversation. Most women love to talk, and if you give them the ammo, they won't stop. It's not that we don't care about what they have to say; it's just that we don't need to hear every minute detail.
1. Use sex as a weapon
In the war of the sexes, it's all about who wears the pants in the relationship. Oftentimes most women, in an effort to show their superiority, will attack men's universal weak spot: sex.And while I applaud them for this gutsy tactic, they really should leave the basic human needs alone, don't you think? Learn to TolerateIn the grand scheme of things, women's annoying habits aren't that bad. Chances are you'll adapt to them in time, as will she when it comes to your annoying tendencies. Nobody's perfect, and I think that's something we can all agree on.
Monday, February 12, 2007
Naim Dilmener Sunar : Dünden Bugüne Aşk Şarkıları / Konuk Sanatçı : Berkant - Babylon
Kenan Doğulu `Festival The Party` - Parkorman
Bülent Ortaçgil & Zuhal Olcay - Balans Performance & Music Hall
Marc Almond - Studio Live
Hale Caneroğlu - Beyoğlu Hayal Kahvesi
Tuluyhan Uğurlu - Sirkeci Garı
Sema / Ekho - Garajistanbul
Rafet El Roman - Tan - Portaxe
Funkalaturca Sevgililer Gününde STNBL’da - STNBL
Murat Yılmaz Yıldırım - Gölge Bar
Sibel Alaş`tan `Aşk Şarkıları` ile Sevgililer Günü - Polat Hotel Champions Bar
Doritos TYTZ`den 14 Şubat Aşıklar Gecesi - Roxy
I Love 80`s Party - Balans Brau
Redroom Sevgililer Günü Partisi - Redroom
Nardis Jazz Club Program - Nardis Jazz Club
Desperately Singles Party - Dulcinea
Tao Lounge`da `Love Yourself` Partisi - Tao
St.Valentine`s Party@Pearl - Pearl
lCafe Gramofon 14 Şubat Sevgililer Günü Programı - Beyoğlu
Terennüm Türk Müziği Topluluğu - Aşkın 1001 Hali Bu Konserde! - Cemal Reşit Rey Konser Salonu
Sing Your Love @ Klub Karoke - Beyoğlu
Leb-i Derya`da Havada Aşk Kokusu Var... - Beyoğlu
Mori`den Sevgililere Özel... - Akatlar
Romantik Aşıklar Meditrina`ya - Ortaköy
Sevgililer Günü’nün Romantik Meyhanesi: İstiklal - Beyoğlu
Kozz 14 Şubat’ta Konuklarına Çok Özel Bir Gece Yaşatacak - Beykoz
Tao`da Doyumsuz Aşk - Beşiktaş
Şans Restaurant, Aşkı Ağırlıyor! - Levent
Sevgilinize `Aşkınızı` Zarifi`de İlan Edin - Beyoğlu
Fishmekan Suadiye`nin Havasında `Aşk` Kokusu Olacak... - Suadiye
14 Şubat’ta Partners Euroasia’nın Çikolatalı Fondüsü ile Onun Kalbini Fethedeceksiniz… - Şişli
Starbucks Coffee’den Sevgililer Gününde Her Aşka Özel Lezzetler... - İstanbul
Four Seasons Hotel`de 14 Şubat`ta Yemeklerin Tadı Bir Başka Olacak - Sultanahmet
Sevgililer Gününde Biz Suite’deyiz, Siz Nerdesiniz? - Nişantaşı
14 Şubat`ta Aşkın Tadını Polat Renaissance`da Çıkarın..... - Yeşilyurt
Kaya Ramada Plaza`da Aşk Bir Başka Yaşanır - Büyükçekmece
Gökyüzüne Açılan Lezzetli Aşk Kapısı... The Moon Restaurant - Taksim
Adalı Restaurant`ta Eşsiz Haliç Panoraması Eşliğinde Unutulmaz Sevgililer Günü - Taksim Antik Hotel İstanbul`da Sevgililer Günü Yemeği ve Partisi - Beyazıt
Eresin Crown Hotel`de Sevgililer Günü - Sultanahmet
Şahhan Restoran`da Sevgililer Günü`ne Özel Bir Yemek - Levent
14 Şubat`ta Sevgilinize Crowne Plaza İstanbul`dan Sihirli Dokunuşlar Hediye Edin - Ataköy
14 Şubat`ta Romantik Bir Akşam Geçirmek İsteyenlere, Ataköy Marina Yacht Club`tan Özel Mönü - Ataköy
Mövenpick Hotel İstanbul`da Aşkın Büyüsü - Levent
Sevgililer Günü`nde Eğlence ve Lezzet Durağınız Woks Ziyade Fasıl Olsun - Levent
Litera`da Sevgililer Günü - Beyoğlu
Ponte Restaurant & Pre-Club`ta Sevgililer Günü - Beyoğlu
Ona Olan Aşkınızı Yüksek Sesle İlan Edin! Cafe Zone Sevgililer Gününde Size Bu Fırsatı Verecek - Nişantaşı
Armada`da `Sevgililer Günü 2007` - Sultanahmet
En Romantik Sevgililer Günü Happy Moon`s Cafe`lerde... - Şaşkınbakkal
Gloria Jean`s Coffees`den Kahve Tutkunu Sevgililere... - İstanbul
Dansseverler İçin Özel Sevgililer Günü Partisi - Caddebostan
Bu Kez Aşkınızı Bambaşka Bir Şekilde Söyleyin! I Lush You! - Taksim
Lush Hip Hotel`de Sevgililer Günü - Taksim
Boğaza Karşı Pucci Plus’da Masal Gibi Bir Gece… - Taksim
Özsüt`ten Aşk ve Sevgi Dolu Pastalar... - İstanbul
Yılın En Romantik Sevgililer Günü Yemeği - Mutfaktayız
Sevgilinizin Kalbine Giden Yol Çamlık Restaurant`tan Geçer - Ulus
Conrad İstanbul`dan Sevgililere Çok Özel... - Beşiktaş
Istanbul Princess Hotel`de Sevgililer Günü - Maslak
Aşkın Yolu Pastadan Geçer... - Emin Pastaneleri
Divan`dan Sevgililer Günü`nü İstanbul`da Geçirenlere Özel Seçenekler... - Elmada
Anemon Galata Pitti Teras Restaurant`ta Sevgililer Günü - Galata
İstanbul`a Kuş Bakışı Sevgililer Günü İstanbul Conti Hotel`de! - Mecidiyeköy
Feraye`de Murat Çelik ile Sevgililer Günü - Beyoğlu
Culina`da Romantik Bir Aşk Gecesine Davetlisiniz - Beyoğlu
Cafe Creme`de Sevgililer Günü - Ortaköy
Belek’teki Adam&Eve Otel, 10 ve 17 Şubat geceleri iki ayrı "Singles Parti" düzenliyor. Partilere tüm Avrupa’dan teklerin gelmesi bekleniyor. Venedik atmosferinin yaratılacağı bekarlar partisine tüm konuklar İtalyan maskeyle katılacak. Etkinliğin özel yemek mönüsünde afrodizyak etkili yiyecekler olacak. Yemeğin ardından otelin özel atriumundaki yataklara oturularak Suat Ateşdağlı’nın canlı performansı dinlenecek. Yurtdışından gelen yabancı dansçılar gece için özel şovlarını sergileyecek. Ayrıntılı bilgi için (242) 715 24 44 numaralı telefonu arayabilirsiniz.
Yap boz ile eş bul
13subat.net, İstanbul 4. Levent’teki Kokosh Bar’da Bekarlar Günü Partisi düzenliyor. Partide herkesin eşini bulmasına yardım edecek "Singles Puzzle" oyunu oynanacak. Bu oyuna katılanlar kendilerine verilen yapbozları tamamlayıp eşini bulmaya çalışacak ve 14 Şubat’a onunla girecek. Gecede perküsyon ve dans müzikleri çalacak. Giriş ücreti yok. 13 Şubat gecesi 21.00’de yemekle başlayacak, 22.30’dan itibaren müzik ve etkinliklerle devam edecek. Bekarlar için partiler her perşembe Kokosh’ta devam edecek. Ayrıntılı bilgi için (212) 325 48 48 numaralı telefonu arayabilir www.13subat.net adresini ziyaret edebilirsiniz.
Afrodizyak mönü
Beyoğlu Dulcinea Restoran-Bar 14 Şubat’ta yalnızlar için "Desperately Singles Party" (Çaresiz Yalnızlar Partisi) düzenliyor. Gecede afrodizyak etkili akşam yemeği sunulacak. Yemeğin ardından gecenin ilerleyen saatlerine kadar Electrode Band’in özel olarak hazırladığı görsel şovlar var. Giriş ücreti olmayan etkinlikte, mönünün fiyatı 40 YTL. Ayrıntılı bilgi için: (212) 245 10 39.Amsterdam’ın altını üstüne getirinSocial Club, yalnızlar için 10-13 Şubat tarihleri arasında Amsterdam’a yalnızlar turu düzenliyor. Ramada Amsterdam City Centre’da üç gece dört gün kalınacak. Yarım günlük panoramik Amsterdam Turu’nun ardından en popüler barlar gezilecek. Çeşitli seyahat hediyelerinin de verileceği turun tek kişilik odada bir kişi ücreti 1.470, çift kişilik odada bir kişi ücreti 1.270 YTL. Ayrıntılı bilgi için www.sosyalturizm.com adresini ziyaret edebilir, (212) 324 58 28 numaralı telefonu arayabilirsiniz.
Çiftler de gidebilir
Ankara’nın yalnızları için bekarlar partisi yine 13 Şubat’ta, Piano Restoran’da düzenlenecek. Grup Gündoğarken’in aşk şarkıları söyleyeceği geceye katılanlara dünya mutfağından yemekler sunulacak. Servis tabakları bugüne özel süslenecek. Gece bekarlara özel, ama kapıları çiftlere de açık. geceye isteyen çiftlerde katılabiliyor. Erkek ve kadın dağılımına dikkat edilecekmiş. Yemek ve limitsiz içki ile fiks mönü 55 YTL. Detaylı bilgi için (312) 284 46 46.
Şov kızlarından bar animasyonu
Nişantaşı Cafe Zone’daki 13 Şubat partisinde, şov kızları özel kostümleri ve danslarıyla içki sunup bar animasyonları yapacak. Frozen, mojito, martini kokteylleri, margarita, nar suyu ve enerji içecekleriyle hazırlanmış votka kokteyller ve sex on the beach geceye özel içecek seçeneklerinden bazıları. Mekanın şef aşçısı Murat Taşdemir de bekarlar için özel bir mönü hazırlıyor. Mönüde parmesanlı yeşil salata, patlıcan püreli anoloni, bademli gremolata ile baharatlı bomfile dilimleri ya da piliç piccatte ve creme brulee var. Partinin giriş ücreti yemek ve limitsiz içki dahil 70 YTL. Ayrıntılı bilgi için Tel: (212) 296 65 90-91
Popüler parti parçalarıyla eğlenin
Kadıköy Trip v2.0 da 14 Şubat’ta yalnızlar partisi düzenleyen mekanlardan. Popüler parçaların çalınacağı gecede, yemek isteyenlerin önceden rezervasyon yaptırmaları gerekiyor. Ücretsiz gerçekleşecek etkinlik 21.00-2.00 saatleri arasında devam edecek. Bilgi için: (216) 346 04 13.Hava değişimi için Ağva’yaTravel Terminal, yalnızları hava değişimi için Ağva’ya götürüyor. 10 Şubat’ta (yarın) gerçekleşecek geziye katılanlar, Şile turundan sonra Ağva’da şömine başında Göksu Deresi’nin manzarasıyla buluşacak. Öğle yemeği ve sürpriz hediyelerin olduğu günübirlik geziye çiftler de katılabiliyor. Katılım ücreti 40 YTL. Ayrıntılı bilgi için: (212) 518 26 01
Caz seven yalnızlara
Hayatseninle.com sitesi 14 Şubat’ta Beyoğlu Jazz Cafe’de yalnızlar için "Love Songs for Singles" (Yalnızlar İçin Aşk Şarkıları) partisi düzenliyor. Gecede Dolunay Obruk ve Bilal Karaman müzik yapacak. Çiftlerin de katılabileceği parti saat 21.00’de başlayacak. Katılım ücreti 20 YTL. Ayrıntılı bilgi için: (212) 245 05 16. Eş bulana aşk koltuğu Bu gece Puma’nın Beyoğlu Mağazası’nda "Bu Sevgililer Gününde Yalnız Olmayacaksınız" sloganıyla 20.00-23.00 saatleri arasında bekarlar partisi var. Partiye Puma mağazalarından yapacağınız alışveriş karşılığında sahip olacağınız davetiyelerle katılabileceksiniz. Oyuncu Alp Kırşan’ın da katılacağı etkinlikte; kendine bir eş bulanlar, aşk koltuğunda eğlenceli pozlar vererek fotoğraf çektirebilecek. Gecede markanın "True Love Never Dies" (Gerçek Aşk Asla Ölmez) koleksiyonu da tanıtılacak.
"Kanada'da yapılan '4 Kıta Serbest Buz Pateni Şampiyonası'nda feci bir kaza oldu.
Jessica Dube ve Bryce Davison çifti performanslarını sergilerken Jessica'nın suratına Bryce'ın ayakkabısının bıcağı çarptı ve yanağından burnuna kadar derin bir kesik oluştu. Hemen Colorado Springs hastanesine kaldırılan Jessica ameliyata alındı.
Buzun üzerinin kan gölüne dönmesiyle büyük bir panik yaşandı.
Ancak Jessica'nın son derece soğukkanlı olduğu gözlerden kaçmadı."
Sinoş, Serkoş, Ebruş, Cenkişko..Bu haberden sonra ARAS on ice serisinin devamında ısrarcı mıyız hala??
How to Cope With Being Alone on Valentine's Day
STEP 1: Do something nice for yourself like taking a long, hot bath by candlelight, or pull out your credit card and a catalog and have fun.
STEP 2: Rent or go to an action movie, preferably one in which at least one of the prospective love interests gets killed off near the beginning. (James Bond films are great for this.)
STEP 3: Avoid romantic "date" movies completely, unless you like feeling melancholy.
STEP 4: Buy yourself a bouquet of your favorite flowers or a box of your favorite chocolates - at least you get to choose exactly what you want this way!
STEP 5: Do something you've never done before. Go hang gliding or horseback riding, sign up for dance classes or singing lessons, or anything else that strikes your fancy.
STEP 6: Go somewhere that isn't likely to be pushing the Valentine's Day theme. Sporting or theatrical events are good possibilities.
STEP 7: Have some fun with your other single friends. Rent movies and get takeout food, go to a nightclub, or have dinner together at a nice restaurant. Call it an "Un-Valentine" party if you like.
STEP 8: Get a head start on planning your St. Patrick's Day party or spring vacation.
STEP 9: Call or write to someone you've lost touch with - could be just a friend, or someone you once had a crush on.
STEP 10: Help brighten the day for someone else who may be spending it alone: Take some flowers to a local nursing home.
Tips & Warnings
- A solo Valentine's Day can be a good time to sit down and write a detailed list of goals and dreams for your own bright future.
Remember: Only you can make your life what you want it to be, with or without a significant other.
- If you decide to take yourself out for dinner on Valentine's Day, bring a book or journal to keep yourself occupied; this will make it obvious to restaurant staff and patrons that you planned to eat alone, and haven't been stood up by a date.
- Stay in touch with the world! Resist the temptation to turn off the ringer on your telephone and crawl into bed early.
- Try not to snap if people ask you what your plans are for Valentine's Day - they probably mean well, and don't intend to hurt your feelings.
14 Şubat Çılgınlığı

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